First, in this advertising format through partnerships, the company registers a user, usually an influencer, who receives a payment to promote their brand. Advertising is done organically and the influencer earns to market a certain brand in their posts.

How paid partnerships work

In paid partnerships, disclosure is organic, that is, it is important for the company that the influencer has enough visibility on Instagram, since content marked “paid partnership with” is only displayed to your followers and visitors.

Another very important detail is the niche that the company wants to reach and this must be taken into account when hiring the influencer who will promote the brand. Instagram also suggests on its website the combination of content and commerce allowing content creators to tag their products in their publications. We’re talking about the Instagram store, where the company can sell its products through the social network. This is a way for followers to get to know the company without having to leave Instagram. Please note that Instagram checkout is currently only available to US companies. Investing in this type of action is something that needs to be thought about. We are talking about a social network with different audiences and trends. Investing in the right strategy is the way to get a better return. Improving your visibility, increasing your brand reach and the number of followers are some of the goals to invest in the paid partnership.


There are countless benefits, both for the company that owns the brand and for the influencer. The possibility of making this dissemination of branded content through Stories, Feed, Reels, and Lives confirms this. As the name implies, the paid partnerships on Instagram are partnerships and, in this sense, both parties involved seek to benefit from it. It is important for the company to have a recognized digital representative that is in line with its image. In addition, they must know the profile of the influencer’s followers and their interaction with him. Likewise, the influencer also needs to assess whether the work is worthwhile, whether the brand is trustworthy. The important thing is that this partnership is strategic, that is, both the influencer and the company must focus on the results of the work. In this sense, it is necessary to produce impactful content aimed at the audience that follows the influencer. The result will always be focused on increasing brand followers, customers, and, consequently, sales. That way everyone is satisfied! Most interestingly, the company has access to the data from the partner’s publication, being able to analyze the metrics and thus maintain or change the strategy. Still, if the feature is enabled, the company can leverage this publication to reach more people.

How to Activate the Paid Partnership Label

First, you need to have a business or creator account to be able to enable this feature. You must configure the branded content tool to use the paid partnership label. Follow the steps below to enable Instagram paid partnerships:

1. Go to Settings > Business

2. Branded content

3. Click Set Up Branded Content Tools

5. Click to activate the feature

Done! You are eligible To make paid partnerships!

How to enable your partners to make paid partnerships

Your business partners also need to be enabled so they can share a post tagging your company. Therefore, follow steps 1, 2 and 3 shown above: Settings > Business > Branded Content. Then leave enabled the option “Approve content creators manually” and then click Approve content creators. Here you can meet the content creator and approve them so you can make Instagram paid partnerships.

Also new on Reels

Instagram’s latest update was the ability to produce content for Reels with paid partner identification. This way, in a format very similar to that of the feed, the message “Sponsored” will appear at the bottom of the screen. In addition, it is possible to publish via the app, thus providing a greater reach of the publication and greater audience engagement.

Account permissions

This feature will allow the influencer to enable their sponsors to turn their organic publications that have the indication of paid partnership into paid advertisements. In this way, the publication is directed to a more personalized audience, thus being able to have a greater reach. All of this will be done in the ads manager and the company will be able to link the ads directly through the creator’s profile. The content creator won’t even have the trouble to run the campaign. As a result, small and medium digital influencers will benefit the most, as these features will make their lives much easier. This is due to the fact that most do not have support to deal with the ad management tool. Similarly, there will be benefits for large companies, as they already have a product marketing team and dedicated people to do the paid ads. Thus, large companies will be able to put their marketing teams to produce everything and just request authorization from the creator. This will certainly make their relationship with the influencer much easier.

Did you already know about Instagram paid partnerships?

Have you thought about using this marketing strategy in your company? Instagram also has other news, check out our Instagram News article and stay tuned.

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